“Many schoolboys are passionate about rugby and don’t want to stop playing when they leave school, but they don’t have a choice. Most of them do not get a sports scholarship so that they can continue playing at university or college, and even fewer of them are offered a contract by a rugby union.”
UXi Sport Chief Operating Officer, Thea Miller, is passionate about creating equal and inclusive opportunities for sport-athletes both locally and internationally.
The UXi Sport International Rugby Institutes, which are currently located in six different provinces, have been able to provide an effective pathway to professional-level sport, for young aspiring rugby athletes.
The programme is aimed at teaching these young people skills that will help them to achieve their sporting goals. Combined with an accredited academic qualification, this programme ensure that student-athletes become employable. Many of our academic qualifications go hand-in-hand with the values, skills and work ethics learnt within the sporting world – such as agricultural and artisan trades!
Read how Rugby and Agricultural Training go hand-in-hand: